Cards Against Humanity is an adult party game in which players complete fillintheblank statements using words or phrases typically deemed offensive, risqué or politically incorrect printed on playing cards It has been compared to the 1999 card game Apples to Apples and originated from a Kickstarter campaign in 11 Its title refers to the phrase "crimes against humanity", You can now play Cards Against Humanity online for free on your phone Steven Tweedie TZ The letter F An envelope It indicates the ability to send anCards Against Humanity is an adult party game The game consists of matching risqué cards to one another for humorous results First posted on Kickstarter in 10, the game raised $4,000 in two weeks, eventually raising over 400% of its initial goal It quickly became the #1 board game on Amazon and generated over $12,000,000 in profit Cards Against Humanity Creator Kindly Tells Bitcoiners To Please Go Fuck Themselves Buttcoin The P2p Crypto Currency For Butts Cards ag...